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By the time we have read through Exodus we have learned the basic vocabulary of the Gospel—words like blood, redeem, sacrifice, glory, law, tabernacle and Passover are all here, part of the great drama in which God saves a people for himself. To study Exodus, therefore, is to come to the heart of the message of redemption, to see God as the Savior of his people, caring for them and present with...

between my people and your people.’ That is evident in the plagues; for example, when darkness covers the land, ‘all the people of Israel had light where they lived’ (10:23). This was a judgement on Egypt, and with it, God distinguished between those who were his, and those who were not. Finally, the plagues were a means for hardening the heart of Pharaoh. This is clear, for example, in 10:1, where God says to Moses that the signs he has worked among them have resulted in Pharaoh’s further rebellion.
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